Monday, April 23, 2012

The lawn care issue in our marriage - Part 1.

I've been thinking a lot about the whole "lawn care" issue in our marriage, and after talking with a friend about it this morning, decided I had some good ol' blogging (aka confession) to do about it. Over the weekend, what my blogging friends got was (maybe?) a nice little laugh after reading a pretty heavy/serious blog about how wonderful (truly wonderful) my husband is. What really went on behind the scenes is this:
  • 3 weekends ago, hubby mowed the lawn
    (Yay, thanks hubby! :)
  • 2 weekends ago, it rained and schedule-wise, it just didn't work out for hubby to mow the lawn
    (Oh, it's okay hubby - I know it was a busy weekend and you will get to it when you can. Wouldn't have wanted you to trade the little time we had together in order to do yardwork. Totally understand.)
  • Last weekend, hubby was gone from Friday afternoon until Sunday night and didn't have a chance to mow the lawn
    (I know you were gone all weekend spending some much-needed time with your dad and brother, so I'm going to overlook the fact that our grass really needed to be cut this weekend. But I made a mental note to start dropping subtle hints that maybe you should try to figure out a time to get it in as soon as possible. I'm trying not to act frustrated about it. I thought about hiring a kid I know to do it, but decided I didn't want to figure out how to make it fit our budget this month, and it's supposed to be your job anyway. Grrrr. Repeat to myself that I'm trying not to act frustrated about it. But I also made another mental note to try to avoid having people over to the house until it's done.)
  • This past Thursday, my parents come to visit - my mom visits for the first time in two months because she's been drowning in taxes for the past four months.
    (Ugh. I'm sure my parents are thinking before they even make it into the driveway - "How difficult is it to keep the lawn mowed?" Frustrated Embarrassed about the condition of my lawn. I made another mental note to be more direct with you about mowing the lawn this weekend. 
  • Friday night date night.
    (Hmmm....wonder if I could get away with asking you to mow the lawn instead of taking me out on a date?)
  • Saturday morning. Raining.
  • Saturday night: And the "Passive Aggressive Award of the Year" goes to.......Yours Truly.
    (Strategy: Write a really great blog about how awesome you are, followed by a quick little sarcastic jab at the end - meant mostly for humor - but also to once-and-for-all direct everyone's attention to the fact that MY LAWN REALLY NEEDS TO BE MOWED TODAY YESTERDAY LAST WEEK TWO WEEKS AGO!!!
So there it is. My sinful, prideful, unredeemed flesh on paper for the world to see. (*insert long pause where I debate whether or not to erase it all and start all over again with something much more humorous/glamorous/overall-much-more-positively-Christian here*). But I can't erase because it's just the truth.

And since the truth is what reminds us of our need for Jesus, what causes us to run to him for salvation and grace and mercy and peace and freedom from this crappy load of baggage that we carry in our hearts, our marriages, our friendships, our parenting each and every day.....the TRUTH is what I will cling to. Because the truth is that Jesus' blood covers my multitude of sins - but He can't do that unless I turn to him, confess, and believe He loves me and that He is willing and able to spread His garment over me and present me blameless and holy before the Father.

So I'm in the process of doing some confession about the above issues today. Tomorrow I will let you peak behind the scenes for a little more of the sinfulness I struggle with in regards to chores within our marriage. Just in case you bought the lie at any point in time that all people are born basically good. Ha.

(Stay tuned for Part 2...)

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