“The inciting incident is how you get (characters) to do something. It's the doorway through which they can't return, you know. The story takes care of the rest.”
― Donald Miller, A Million Miles in a Thousand Years
Our God is such a BIG God with incredible purpose for our lives here on this earth, and we are in awe of His great mercy with us. Truth be told - we are not boastful of this opportunity; in fact, we are mostly terrified of this giant leap of faith that we are taking! But we are fully trusting in God's promise to uphold His integrity, and we are staking our lives on His vow to never leave us nor forsake us. He has proved Himself faithful and true to us in every turning, so we move forward confidently and boldly, even with uncertainty.
Especially grateful for those of you who are moving forward with us at this rather unforeseen fork in the road...thanks for your patience, your belief, your understanding and prayers. One of our own prayers is that every daring step of obedience to Christ we take encourages you in your faith as well.
P.S. - To any of our friends who feel like we've fell off the map here lately...now you know why! ;) We'll be back as soon as the dust settles.
Just as Peter exercised his faith...One must get out of the boat to walk on water.